Sunday, February 28, 2010
A window to Charlie
Monday, February 22, 2010
Miss Nanie
For Charlie she is EVERYTHING. And I really do believe that she was made just for him. Her purpose in life is to serve Charlie, and to be his partner in crime. She is still a puppy, and she since she isn't properly trained there have been bumps in the road. She does play a little rough, but she is doing things I like. When Charlie is out in the backyard getting things into he shouldn't and since she is always by his side she just grabs his arm or the back of his coat and leads him away. She is only 12 weeks old now, and already knows how to do this. The only problem is, is thoes dang puppy teeth! She has scratched charlie alot, but she is slowly learning how to be gentle. I hope to get a trainer out this week to work on it with her!
For Amelia, She keeps Charlie away from her, but Nanie also loves and gives her kisses, it's pretty cute ;)
For our other Dog mai, she has been his savior. Before we got her he didn't really like other dogs, or to do much of anything. We were a bit leary of bringing her in, but we were prepared that we might have to get rid of someone. I can say this- i have NEVER seen Mai play with another dog like he does Nanie. He is submissive (general he's pretty dominate) and plays sooo gentle with her. It's like he knows she has a purpose, and he is helping guide her in the right direction.
For Brian and I - she is a god send. She is our light in this dark tunnel. With the right training I know she will be an amazing service dog, and partner for Charlie.
Oh Nanie- if only you could really know how much you really mean to us <3
oh softness!
Love, Love, LOVE this dipe! So those who read this who have children with sensory issues, and/or cloth diaper I HIGHLY recommend this mama! You can find her on Face book under CC Bums!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Weekend trails
I was excited to get to the beach. It was a rather warm day for Mid Feb. at the Oregon Coast. So we got on the beach, took off his shoes, and I expected him to full on run and play.... boy did I fail. Instead he shrieked, and cried until we were able to pick him up and wipe off the sand. Once we got to the harder sand I put him down thinking that because there wasn't soft sand he could sink in, it would be different. Nope. He was crying almost as if he was in pain. So we held him the whole time. At one point we had put him down in the ocean with the water swirling around his feet. He was good for about a minute then started screaming again.
After coming back from playing in the ocean, we got his feet dry and socks and shoes back on.... and guess what? He was walking in the sand and having fun! As long as it didn't touch any part of his skin he was having a blast!
You could see in his eyes that he was happy, that he was a little two year old boy enjoying the beach with his Grandparents and Mom and dad.
During dinner Charlie started to act up a bit. The day had proved to be too over whelming for him, and he just couldn't take a restaurant. We all ate dinner, and enjoyed it to the best of our abilities. Charlie wasn't that bad, but I could tell he was reaching his limit. His cup was full, and was about to start running over. Once dinner was done and we said our good byes we headed home. The car ride home was a little rough. Charlie didn't know what he wanted, but insisted on eating ungodly amounts of snacks, and finally passed out 30 minutes from home (the car ride is about 2 hours). Once home he couldn't go back to sleep, so we snuggled in bed and watched Finding Nemo, and we talked about all the fishes, and sharks that we had seen. He finally settled down and My husband put charlie in his crib, where he promptly went to sleep.
Whenever charlie gets overwhelmed or over stimulated, the next day is always rough for him. He has a hard time dealing with simple things that he can normally do quite well. Today was a day of little battles, and big challenges. This afternoon I was sitting at the computer uploading pictures I had taken yesterday at the beach when I came across a special photo that I just couldn't help by cry when I looked at it.
Let me explain: The Ocean is the world- right at our fingers tips, It ours for the taking, yet we just can't quite make it yet. There are obstacles that we must go through in order to reach the ocean's front. There will be individuals and groups of people that come in and out of our lives, they will either hinder us, or help us to the ocean front. We must work together as a family, picking up and carrying ones who can not make it through the obstacle, and knowing when to ask for help. Off in the distance is a light house. At night it's light helps sailors keep track of the land to make sure they don't run aground, for us it represents all the friends and family that help us, and guide us through rough waters, and to help keep us on coarse.
From day to day the challenges maybe rough and hard to handle, but when I step back and look at the great picture of our life, I can't help but smile, because to me it is the most beautiful picture I can ever imagine.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
***Please note these are my opinions and things that have been told to me. If you want to form your own opinion I am going to post links at the end. Thanks***
So I will answer this first - What is Autism? (Again please understand that these are my own opinions that I have come to terms with after much research and our own experiences)
First it is known that Autism is a Neurological disorder. There is something that happens that disrupts the neurons in the brain of these children that causes them to "malfunction". Autism Spectrum Disorder is just that. It's a spectrum, Meaning that there is such a wide range of symptoms, that the disorder is hard to diagnose. There is the low functioning side which are the children who have little function, and then all the way at the other end, you have high functioning which is like Charlie. He can do alot of things, but he is delayed to the point that he needs therapy to help him progress. And then there are different Autism disorders like Aspergers, and PDD-NOS. Children with Autism are generaly very intelligent, they just can't communicate. But I promis if you ever have the chance to sit down with a high functioning Austistic, you would be amazed.
Next question--
What causes Autism?
I believe it is just not one simple answer. Autism is a puzzle in all aspect of the disorder. I believe that there is a genetic compent, wether the trait is resesive or dominate is not a factor at this point, but the fact that it is genetic is. I believe that every child with autism starts out on a slippery slope. If toxins, and environmental distrubances are introduced to/into the child from newborn, then the disturbances in the brain will be greater and more extreme then thoes who did not get vaccinated at birth, or had toxins introduced in utero. With that said, I do believe that children who do not get vaccinated but have the genetic compent of Autism will progress on the normal scale but Autistic traits will pop up, but they stand a better chance at being "normal". With that said, I truely believe this DOES NOT apply to every autistic child, as Autism is a spectrum and the range from low function to high functioning is so great, that I strictly speak for my child, and my child alone.
So with that said -- this is what I THINK happened to my son. I can not give scientific proof, nor do I believe I have to. After all I am his mother and I know his body better then anyone else--
We believe Charlie was born with a developmental delay- You can tell by his facial features, that there is a genetic compents to said delay. I also believe that if he had not had the vaccinations at birth and up until 4 months of age, he wouldn't have been so ill his first year or so of life. I also believe that because the toxins in the vaccines were introduced into his body so young, he started down a slippery slope that we are just now trying to climb back up.
I believe that we eat and give our children so much GMO's, MSG's, and chemicaly infected products that they don't stand a chance anymore. Our lifestyles have become so chemically driven that children are having more disorders then they ever had. People buy into convience, and not into health... It really is a sad thing.
So Here are some links to Autism websites that you can read more about the disorder.
And again- please note these are my own opinions, thoughts, and feelings- I in no way have scientific proof of anything I have just said.--
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Puppy tails
I have always been drawn to animals and have always had a big heart. I usually follow my heart and not my brain. Well in search of finding Charlie the right dog, I had to listen to my brain.
Last weekend we searched several shelters and rescue groups only to be told that they couldn't help us. After dealing with the last rude lady, I decided that while I was trying to help Charlie and rescue a dog at the same time, it just wasn't going to work. So we went to a Breeder instead. Saturday night we brought home Charlies puppy.
I believe animals can help people in a sense that no one can truely understand. And this just proves my point. From the moment Charlie and Nanie (thats what he named her!) first met there was a deep connection. There were 2 other puppies in the room we went in, and Nanie was the only one that would follow Charlie around. We decided it was fate since she was a long/medium haired GSD. I was cautious of the following days that we were about to experience. I for sure thought that it was going to be rough and Charlie was going to have a hard time excepting a new dog into the household. Boy was I ever wrong!!
Charlie started talking more, and communicating. Him and Nanie were stuck together with invisible glue. Wherever she went, he went and vise versa. His tantrums went from 10 a day to 2. He was starting to change. When we first got Nanie, we had named her Sissy. It was one of the few words Charlie could already say. Well after a couple of days he promptely told me when I called Sissy to me "No!!! NANIE!!!" And ever since that moment it has been Nanie. If you try calling her Sissy, he becomes upset and starts screaming "NO!! NANIE! NANIE! NANIE!"
During this whole first week of having Nanie I didn't want to get my hopes up because I know that whenever you get a new dog or puppy you have that honey moon stage where every thing is great, until she settles in.
I am still waiting for all hell to break loose, and for me to go crazy, But this has been by far the easiest, most laid back puppy that I have met. Nanie connectd to Charlie like no one can connect with him. It's like they get each other. Nanie helps Charlie through his rough moments, and helps him in ways that we can not imagine or even begin to grasp.
This past week hasn't been easy- It's been hard trying to train a puppy in all aspects. She is a brilliant puppy and learns quickly. House breaking is going well, but she still has accidents if we get distracted and not see her cues to go out.
I have said to many people during this past week. If tomorrow we have to get rid of Nanie, or some how the connection is lost between them, it doesn't matter. Because this past week has been one of the best weeks of my life, and I would do it again in a heart beat.